What is this number 650 543 4800?

Guide to communicating with the Facebook customer support team.

Making an account on Facebook is always a beneficial option as users will able to share their thoughts, make friends, connect with the world, etc. At the time of making Facebook using the Facebook services, if there is any user who gets any issues, then they can also approach their support team. Any user who wants to communicate with Facebook but does not have information about connecting with them, then they must go through the information below.

Ways to connect with the Facebook support team

There are different modes available, and you can connect with the experts of Facebook. If you do not have information about these online and offline modes, then you must go through them below.

Connect over call: If you are wondering What is this number, 650 543 4800, then it is a Facebook support team contact number, and if you want to connect over call, you have to use the below points.

  • Make the call to this number 650 543 4800.
  • Now, choose the language.
  • After that, go through the options of the IVR.

Go with the email option: If you are unable to connect on the Facebook customer support number, then you can also use the email your queries, but you have to keep in mind that email will provide you revert within 24 hours. To send your queries over email you need to tap over this support@fb.com. and then compose an email. Then, mention your queries with account details and send that to get a revert.